While the global pandemic overwhelms our daily lives, so are criminals who are trying to take advantage of our current situation, attempting to commit fraud - via email or through text messaging!
Today, one of our parishioners received, both an email and a text message, from a person pretending to be our Pastor, Fr. David Fontaine. Please take note of the following:
1) Fr. David does not have a cell phone - so he obviously will NOT be sending any text messages. 2) Fr. David does NOT send emails asking for your help. If you know our Pastor, he makes personal calls or personal visits.
Attached, is an example of an attempt to commit fraud through email and text.
Please BE AWARE! Please verify the information before you act on it ! Please don't hesitate to call the Parish Office for concerns / questions.
Be well. . . be safe . . . be BLESSED! Gemma Gonzalo OLMC / Office Manager (707)4227767