We are once again collecting new school supplies for our local schools. This important endeavor, under the direction of Regina Williams, will be able to provide students with new binders, back packs, pencils, pens, folders and the like. COLLECTION BOXES will be placed in the narthex during the month of August. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity and kindness. Your donations DO make a difference in the lives of students who would not otherwise have these supplies.
The Office of Vocations, with local Sacramento Seminarians, invites you to a Discernment Retreat on August 1, 2015 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. for young men ages 18-30. This mini retreat will offer an opportunity to talk and reflect on priesthood, vocation, and discernment. To register or if you have any questions, please contact the office at (916) 733-0258 or by email at [email protected].
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. Weekend dates for 2015 are: August 21-23 in Sacramento; October 2-4 at the Hilton Garden Inn Reno; and November 6-8 in Sacramento.
Spiritual Adoption Program - This Year, 2015, we are holding our second Spiritual Adoption Program Baby Shower on August 9, 2015 (Sunday) after the 10AM Mass. Following the Mass, the adoptive parents can drop off their gift at the Dome for their spiritually adopted Baby. All collected gifts will be donated to the Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center. Please come join us! For those who cannot attend, please drop off your gift at the Parish Office during office hours on August 10, 11, and 12, 2015.
Reverend Father John E. Hertel, O.Carm (Founding Pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel) was borne into eternal life on July 5th, 2015. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on July 16th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at 7 p.m. A copy of Fr. John’s obituary from the Chicago Tribune is available in the Parish Office and in the full article web link. John was the founding pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Fairfield, California and assumed the responsibility for Parroquia de la Transfiguration del Senor in Torreon, Mexico as the first pastor. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Beginning this Fall, We will use Taize songs and prayers. Through the experience of singing these simple chants we are nourished. The service consists of quiet chanting, a psalm, scripture and silence. The prayer provides times for us to speak particular needs of our own and of the world. It allows us to come to the cross for a moment to pray, to bring the burdens of our world as we place our forehead on the cross, committing to Christ Jesus all that is in our hearts. Beginning September 5th at 7PM and every first Saturday through December 2015.
The Missionary Cooperative Appeal is an annual program in which missionaries from around the world speak at each parish. The goal of this Appeal is to increase awareness of missionary work and to raise funds to help missionary organizations continue their evangelizing efforts. On July 11/12, OLMC parish will be visited by FR. MADANU JAYA with The Catholic Diocese of Warangal, India.