Ministry of the Word Lectors are Needed! We will be having a Lector training session / refresher meeting for experienced and new volunteers, November 3rd at 1 p.m. If you are interested in serving as Lector for OLMC, please contact Don McKenna, (707) 718-5239.
OLMC KofC Christmas Cards - Keep Christ in Christmas! Get a jump start on your Christmas Card mailing! The Knights of Columbus will be selling Christmas Cards the weekend of : Nov. 10/11, 17/18, 24/25, Dec. 1/2 and 8/9.
OLMC’s Knights of Columbus is collecting generosity in the past has been wonderful and we hope to have another fantastic year for the children. You can bring NEW, unwrapped toys to the back of the Narthex November 10/11th through the 16th.
St. Vincent de Paul Grocery cards to help families purchase food for Thanksgiving or Christmas are available by calling St. Vincent de Paul at 422-5209. A limited number of cards are available, so call SVdP to be placed on the family wait list.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Annual Christmas Craft Faire 2700 Dover Ave. Fairfield. In the Dome. All proceeds from table rentals fund Holiday food for families in need through the OLMC St. Vincent de Paul Society. Proceeds from the Café support our Youth Group, TAG, The Army of God.